Monday, November 16, 2009

last day of school in 2009...

today is the last day of school... holiday start tml.. haiz.. is a good thing or a bad thing?
good thing is tat i duneed to fan abt my job for abt 1n a half month.. but i like my job... zzz...
n i cant c my fren oso.. haiz... happy n sad... haiz....

Friday, November 13, 2009

规则 :
第一 :被点者请在自己的 BLOG 里写下答案
第二 :请传另外5位的人.=)
第三 :传阅人‘请在于这5位当中斗留言版’ 告知他/她被点名了..
第四 :这当中的5位的人‘不得拒绝’
第五 :被点者‘请注明被谁点了’ 在哪接到‘在传给下5位’
第六 :这些被点名者’ 你们被点会得到祝福‘并且愿望会实现’ 也会得到幸福.^^

現在幾點 : 8.55
你的名 :lee kai jun
你現在正在聽誰的歌 :i m not listening to any song now...
你在哪裡讀書(工作) : smk taman connaught
你最後吃的一樣東西是什麼 : 家常便饭
现在天氣如何 : okok lo...
戴隱形眼鏡嗎 : perfect eyes man...
上一次生日蛋糕上蠟燭的數目 : 1 big 5 small...
通常吹熄這些蠟燭的日期 : zzz.. 20/4
你家養過什么宠物 : fish... :)
星座 : Taurus...
眼珠顏色 : black i think...
有刺青嗎 : very yeng meh???
喜歡你目前的生活嗎 : ofcoz i like... wat if i dont like??? i still need to live rite...
出生地 : forgot d.. but somewhere in ns...
曾經出過車禍嗎 : car dint hav... bicycle then got...
你會花心嗎 : dont think so..
暗戀過人嗎 : ofcoz la... who dont... zzz
喜歡吃啥麼東西 : delicious food...
今天心情好嗎 : okok lo... dont worry, be happy :)
有想过自殺嗎 : never... i scare die d lo...
如果要你放弃现在所有的,你会吗 : wat for?? if there is no good reason then y should i??
現在幾點了 :8.59

1) bc (who call u last time duwan do... :))
2) hh ( same like bc)
3)gab (i know u dunno bc.. ask for some1 to help u... hehe)
4) ws (u will pay for wat u had did to me last time... wahaha...)
5) ac (bc call me tag d...)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Pass this tag to 10 people !
1. bryan
2. hui hoon
3. ching li
4. gab
5. zirou
6. yi ning
7. mei chin
8. joshua
9. jen yee
10. ac

1. Would you date number 5?
nothing is imposible... but wan me date v a pig... quiet hard...

2. Number 2 just got in a car crash. How do you react?
sad la...ofcoz...

3. You see number 9 with your boy/girlfriend.
wow... congratz...

4. You come home and your room has been ransacked by number 4.
he dare... i kill him...

5. Number 1 is acting weird.
he alwis...

6. Numbers 3 and 8 decide to give 10 a haircut.
ac sure duwan let them touch his hair de lo....

7. Number 7 just got tickets for him/her and you to go to a concert.
NA!!! wan me go out v monkey??? noway man...

8. Number 10 takes you to a bar.
lets go...

9. Number 4 has to move to the other side of the world.
no~~~~ dont leave US alone......

10.You and number 8 are being chased by the cops for an unknown reason.

11. Number 7 and you are sitting on the couch watching a movie when he/her wrap his/her arm around you.

12. Number 5 asks you out to dinner.
she belanja then i go... :)

13. Number 9 and you are sitting on a bus.
ooo.. hihi...

14. Number 6 calls you in the middle of the night because he/she can’t sleep.
then chat v her lo... wat to do?? call me d wor... wan me kap her phone meh....

15. Your walking with someone and number 6 runs up and tackles you to the ground from behind.
say hi to her..

16. Number 1 is crying one day and you ask him/her why and it seems their boy/girlfriend has dumped them.
she will never dump him de... haha...

17. Number 2 offers to bake you a meal. As you sit in the other room, the kitchen is suddenly aflame.
she is going to clean up the mess...

18. Number 5 comes to your door one day holding a koala.
wat is koala???

19. Number 3 just got you an X-Box.
WOOHOO~~~ but tat is imposible...

20. Number 9 challenges you to a children’s card game.
come la... who scare who...

21. Number 1 thinks he/she’s overweight

go on diet lo...

22. Number 7 looks lonely.

lonely... she is so lonely... erm... go call her fren go teman her....

23. Number 2 asks you rudely to go leave her/him alone.
then i will ask her wats the prob...

24. Numbers 5 and 3 decide to throw a surprise party for you.
i will not b surprise... coz u juz tell me.. zzz...

25. Number 6 decide to dye their hair black. What do you say?
her hair is already black.. wat for go dye her hair black?? ==

26. Number 2 tells you he/she is going to go out for a while, and then later you hear about a shooting where 2 went.
i dont think she will kena shoot.. but i think is she shooting ppl.. haha...

27. You catch number 9 by him/herself, crying.
go ask her y cry lo.. then go tam her lo....

28. Numbers 1 , 3 , 5, and 6 all tackle you at once! Is it possible?
ntg is imposible... :)

finally i finish d.. ws.. u better remember this... zzz...